With the increase in online shopping, van thefts are on the rise.
Here are our top tips for preventing opportunistic thefts.
· Remove the keys
Surely this is just asking for trouble. The easiest way for a thief to take a vehicle is to have the keys. So, don’t leave them on display or within easy reach. If possible, wear a keychain or keep them in your pocket.
· Lock your van.
We know this is a bit of a no-brainer but far too often people either forget to lock their door or think they don’t need to when just popping quickly for a delivery or to a shop. However, it only takes moments for an opportunistic thief to spot an unlocked vehicle and decide to make off with some of the contents.
· Keep valuables out of sight.
Again, probably a bit obvious but if it can be easily seen then it could easily tempt a thief. Don’t run the risk of a broken door or window and make sure any phones, bags, wallets, or parcels are out of sight.
If you need further security for your vans our GM2020 security devices can help.
This intuitive system can tell when a vehicle’s key has been left in the ignition and will signal an alarm once the door is opened to prompt you to remove the key, close the door, and lock the vehicle. It also alerts you if the door is left open or the vehicle is left running.
If the alarm isn’t acted on within 10 seconds the system will then trigger the vehicle to immobilise and auto lock (if supported by the vehicle model) to prevent any opportunist thefts from being able to drive off with the vehicle. The vehicle is easily remobilised with a call to your supervisor or using your account (if you are a sole trader).
So, don’t delay, contact us now for more information.